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Klantenservice uitbesteden? Neem contact met ons op en samen bespreken we de mogelijkheden.
ContactKlantenservice uitbesteden? Neem contact met ons op en samen bespreken we de mogelijkheden.
ContactVersie 3.0
Deze pagina is voor het laatst aangepast op 10-05-2023.
AVG/GDPR ready 2023
Via de diensten van worden gegevens oftewel persoonsgegevens verwerkt. Persoonsgegevens worden door iMA Contact zorgvuldig verwerkt en beveiligd.
iMA Contact is de verantwoordelijke voor de gegevensverwerking. Gegevens die door de gebruiker worden verstrekt worden door worden verstuurd door een beveiligde verbinding.
Wij zijn ervan bewust dat je vertrouwen stelt in ons. Wij zien het dan ook als onze verantwoordelijkheid om je privacy te beschermen. Op deze pagina laten we weten welke gegevens we verzamelen als je onze website gebruikt, waarom we deze gegevens verzamelen en hoe we hiermee jouw gebruikservaring verbeteren. Zo snap je precies hoe wij werken.
Bij het gebruik maken van onze diensten laat je persoonlijke gegevens achter bij ons. Door gebruik te maken van onze diensten geeft de deelnemer toestemming aan iMA Contact om persoonsgegevens van de deelnemer voor de volgende doeleinden te gebruiken:
De volgende gegevens worden door ons opgeslagen voor het afhandelen van de aanvragen (sollicitatie of overige informatie via de contactformulieren op de website):
Zo lang een deelnemer aangemeld blijft bij iMA Contact en zijn diensten worden zijn persoonsgegevens bewaard.
Bij sollicitaties via de website onthouden we op welke vacatures je hebt gereageerd. Dit doen we om te zorgen dat je jouw verhaal niet twee keer hoeft te vertellen. Ook als je niet onze collega wordt onthouden we deze gegevens, want misschien word je in de toekomst wel onze collega. Je persoonsgegevens worden daarom maximaal 1 jaar na afloop van je sollicitatieperiode bewaart.
Wanneer je een reactie achterlaat dan wordt die reactie en de metadata van die reactie voor altijd bewaard. Op deze manier kunnen we vervolgreacties automatisch herkennen en goedkeuren in plaats van dat we ze moeten modereren.
Voor gebruikers die geregistreerd op onze website (indien van toepassing), bewaren we ook persoonlijke informatie in hun gebruikersprofiel. Alle gebruikers kunnen hun persoonlijke informatie bekijken, wijzigen of verwijderen op ieder moment (de gebruikersnaam kan niet gewijzigd worden). Website beheerders kunnen deze informatie ook bekijken en wijzigen.
Onder kop “cookies” zijn de bewaartermijnen voor cookies opgesomd.
Op onze website zijn social media buttons opgenomen. Wanneer er op deze buttons worden gedrukt worden er gegevens doorgegeven aan deze social mediadiensten (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram en LinkedIn). De beheerders van deze diensten verzamelen dan je persoonsgegevens. Wij hebben geen invloed op deze diensten, daarom raden we je aan om de privacyverklaring van de genoemde social mediadiensten te lezen.
Wij maken op deze website gebruik van cookies. Een cookie is een eenvoudig klein bestandje dat met pagina’s van deze website wordt meegestuurd en door uw browser op uw harde schrijf van uw computer wordt opgeslagen. Volgens de wet mogen wij direct cookies op je computer opslaan als ze strikt noodzakelijk zijn voor het gebruik van de site. Voor alle andere soorten cookies hebben we een toestemming van je nodig.
Tracking CookiesMet jouw toestemming plaatsen onze adverteerders “tracking cookies” op uw computer. Deze cookies gebruiken zij om bij te houden welke pagina’s je bezoekt, om zo een profiel op te bouwen van jouw onlinegedrag. Dit profiel wordt mede opgebouwd op basis van vergelijkbare informatie die zij van jouw bezoek aan andere websites krijgen waarop zij adverteren. Dit profiel wordt niet gekoppeld aan je naam, adres, e-mailadres en dergelijke zoals bij ons bekend, maar alleen om advertenties af te stemmen op jouw profiel zodat deze zo veel mogelijk relevant voor je is.
NoodzakelijkNoodzakelijke cookies helpen een website bruikbaar te maken door basisfuncties zoals paginanavigatie en toegang tot beveiligde delen van de website in te schakelen. De website kan niet goed functioneren zonder deze cookies.
Naam | Geplaatst door | Vervaldatum | Doel | Type |
PHPSESSID | | Sessie | Noodzakelijk sessie om de bezoeker te kunnen identificeren. Houdt gebruikerssessiestatus voor alle pagina-aanvragen bij. | HTTP |
Voorkeurscookies stellen een website in staat om informatie te onthouden die de manier waarop de website zich gedraagt of uiterlijk verandert, zoals de taal van uw voorkeur of de regio waarin u zich bevindt.
Geen cookies op dit moment
StatistiekenStatistiekencookies helpen website-eigenaren te begrijpen hoe bezoekers omgaan met hun websites door anoniem gegevens te verzamelen en te rapporteren.
Naam | Geplaatst door | Vervaldatum | Doel | Type |
__utmb | Google Analytics | 30 minuten | Registreert een tijdstempel met het exacte tijdstip waarop de gebruiker de website heeft bezocht. Gebruikt door Google Analytics om de duur van een websitebezoek te berekenen. | HTTP |
__utmt | Google Analytics | 10 minuten | Wordt gebruikt om de snelheid van aanvragen naar de server te regelen. | HTTP |
__utmc | Google Analytics | Sessie | Gebruikt om de duur van een websitebezoek te berekenen. Registreert de exacte tijdstip waarop de gebruiker de website verlaat. | HTTP |
__utma | Google Analytics | 2 jaar | Bewaart het aantal bezoeken (voor elke bezoeker), het tijdstip van het eerste bezoek, het vorige bezoek en het huidige bezoek | HTTP |
__utmz | Google Analytics | 6 maanden | Registreert of de bezoeker afkomstig was van een zoekmachine (en zo ja, het gebruikte zoekwoord), en op welke link er wordt geklikt. | HTTP |
Marketingcookies worden gebruikt om bezoekers op verschillende websites bij te houden. Het is de bedoeling advertenties weer te geven die relevant en aantrekkelijk zijn voor de individuele gebruiker en daardoor waardevoller zijn voor uitgevers en externe adverteerders.
Geen cookies op dit moment
Niet geclassificeerdNiet-geclassificeerde cookies zijn cookies die we nog aan het classificeren zijn, samen met de aanbieders van afzonderlijke cookies.
Geen cookies op dit moment
Met dit privacy- en cookie beleid proberen wij duidelijkheid en transparantie te bieden. Onder de Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming heb je als deelnemer bepaalde rechten jegens iMA Contact als verwerkingsverantwoordelijke. Indien je wenst je gegevens in te zien, wijzigen of verwijderen neem dan contact met ons. Stuur een mail naar
Neem contact met ons op wanneer je je gegevens wilt inzien, wijzigen. Indien gewenst kan je een aanvraag doen om al je gegevens uit ons systeem te verwijderen. Je wordt dan automatisch afgemeld van onze diensten.
RechtenAls deelnemer heb je de volgende rechten:
Recht op inzageJe hebt recht op inzage in of en zo ja welke persoonsgegevens wij van je verweken.
Recht op wijzigingIndien je persoonsgegevens die wij van jou bewaren onjuist of onvolledig zijn, kan je ons vragen om je persoonsgegevens te corrigeren of aan te vullen.
Recht op verwijderen van gegevensJe hebt recht om je persoonsgegevens te verwijderen wanneer;
Je hebt het recht om een beperking te vragen voor de verwerking van je persoonsgegevens
Recht op dataportabiliteit (overdragen van gegevens)Je hebt het recht om je persoonsgegevens die je aan ons hebt verstrekt, te ontvangen in een gestructureerd formaat (xl(s)/csv) en je persoonsgegevens door te geven aan een derde partij naar keuze.
Je hebt het recht om bezwaar te maken tegen de verwerking van je persoonsgegevens vanwege een specifieke situatie verband houdende reden. In dat geval zal een belangenafweging plaatsvinden met inachtneming van je situatie. Je hebt altijd het recht om een klacht in te dienen bij iMA Contact of bij de Nederlandse toezichthouder, de Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens.
Deze privacy en cookieverklaring is afgestemd op het gebruik van en de mogelijkheden op deze site. Eventuele aanpassingen en/of veranderingen van deze site kunnen leiden tot wijzigingen in deze privacy en cookieverklaring. Het is daarom raadzaam om regelmatig deze privacy en cookieverklaring te raadplegen. Meest recente versie van de privacy en cookieverklaring van zal op deze pagina gepubliceerd worden.
Wij controleren regelmatig of we aan de huidige privacy en cookie beleid voldoen. Als je vragen of feedback hebt over de privacy en cookieverklaring kan je contact met ons opnemen:
Team Legal | iMA Contact
Version 3
This privacy and cookie statements was last modified on 10-05-2023.
AVG/GDPR ready 2023
Personal data is processed through the services of Personal data are carefully and secured processed by iMA Contact.
iMA Contact is responsible for the data processing. Data provided by the user is sent over a secure connection.
We are aware that you have the confidence in us. Therefore, we see it as our responsibility to protect your privacy. On this page we describe what information we collect when you use our website, why we collect this information and how we improve your user experience. In this way you understand exactly how we work.
When using our services, you leave your personal details with us. By using our services, you as the participant gives permission to iMA Contact to use personal information or data for the following purposes:
The following data are stored by us for handling the applications (application or other information through the contact forms on the website):
As long as a participant remains registered with iMA Contact and his services, his personal information or data are retained.
For applications by the website, we remember which vacancies you have responded to. We do this to ensure that you do not have to tell your story twice. Even if you are not our colleague, we will remember this information, because maybe you will become our colleague in the future. Your personal information or data will therefore be stored for a maximum of 1 year after the end of your application period.
When you leave a comment, that reaction and the metadata of that reaction are kept forever. In this way we can automatically recognize and approve follow-up reactions instead of moderating them.
For users who registered on our website (if applicable), we also store personal information in their user profile. All users can view, change or delete their personal information at any time (the username can not be changed). Website administrators can also view and change this information.
The storage periods for cookies are listed under headline "cookies".
Social media buttons are included on our website. When these buttons are pressed, data is passed on to these social media services (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn). The administrators of these services then collect your personal information or data. We have no influence on these services, so we recommend that you attentively read the privacy statement of the social media services mentioned.
We make use of cookies on this website. A cookie is a simple small file that is sent along with pages from this website and stored by your browser on your hard drive of your computer. According to the law, we may immediately store cookies on your computer if they are strictly necessary for the use of the site. For all other types of cookies, we need permission from you.
Tracking CookiesWith your permission our advertisers place "tracking cookies" on your computer. They use these cookies to keep track of which pages you visit in order to build up a profile of your online behavior. This profile is also built on the basis of comparable information that they receive from your visit to other websites on which they advertise. This profile is not linked to your name, address, e-mail address (as far as known by us), but only to match advertisements to your profile so that it is as relevant as possible for you.
NecessaryNecessary cookies help to make a website usable by enabling basic functions such as page navigation and access to secure parts of the website. The website cannot function properly without these cookies.
Name | Placed by | Expiration date | Purpose | Type |
PHPSESSID | | Session | Necessary session to identify the visitor. Maintain user session status for all page requests | HTTP |
Preferred cookies enable a website to remember information that changes the way the website behaves or changes, such as the language of your preference or the region in which you are located.
No cookies at this thime
StatisticsStatistics cookies help website owners understand how visitors interact with their websites by anonymously collecting and reporting data.
Name | Placed by | Expiration date | Purpose | Type |
__utmb | Google Analytics | 30 minuts | Used to determine new sessions/visits. Used by Google Analytics to calculate the duration of a website visit | HTTP |
__utmt | Google Analytics | 10 minuts | Used to throttle request rate | HTTP |
__utmc | Google Analytics | Session | Determines whether the user was in a new session/visit | HTTP |
__utma | Google Analytics | 2 years | Used to distinguish users and sessions | HTTP |
__utmz | Google Analytics | 6 months | Stores the traffic source or campaign that explains how the user reached the website | HTTP |
Marketing cookies are used to keep visitors on different websites. It is intended to display ads that are relevant and attractive to the individual user and therefore more valuable to publishers and external advertisers.
No cookies at this time
Non-classified CookiesNon-classified cookies are cookies that we are still classifying together with the providers of individual cookies.
No cookies at this time
With this privacy and cookie policy we try to offer clarity and transparency. Under the General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR (Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming, AVG), you as a participant have certain rights towards iMA Contact as controller. If you wish to view, change or delete your data, please contact us. Send an email to .
Contact us when you want to view, change your data. If you wish, you can request to delete all your data from our system. You will then be automatically logged out of our services.
As a participant you have the following rights:
Right of inspectionYou have the right to inspect whether and, if so, what personal information or data we will lose from you.
Right to changeIf your personal information or data that we hold about you is incorrect or incomplete, you may ask us to correct or supplement your personal information or data.
Right to delete information or dataYou have the right to delete your personal information or data when;
You have the right to request a restriction for the processing of your personal data
Right to information or data portability (transfer of data)You have the right to receive your personal data that you have provided to us in a structured format (xl (s) / csv) and to pass on your personal data to a third party of your choice.
You have the right to object to the processing of your personal information or data due to a specific situation. In that case, a weighing of interests will take place taking into account your situation. You always have the right to submit a complaint to iMA Contact or to the Dutch regulator (de Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens).
This privacy and cookie statement is tailored to the use of and the possibilities on this site. Any change and / or changes to this website may lead to changes in this privacy and cookie statement. It is therefore advisable to regularly consult this privacy and cookie statement. Most recent version of the privacy and cookie statement of will be published on this page.
We regularly check whether we comply with the current privacy and cookie policy. If you have questions or feedback about the privacy and cookie statement, you can contact us:
Team Legal | iMA Contact
Version 2.2
This privacy and cookie statements was last modified on 06-05-2020.
AVG/GDPR ready 2020
Personal data is processed through the services of Personal data are carefully and secured processed by iMA Contact.
iMA Contact is responsible for the data processing. Data provided by the user is sent over a secure connection.
We are aware that you have the confidence in us. Therefore, we see it as our responsibility to protect your privacy. On this page we describe what information we collect when you use our website, why we collect this information and how we improve your user experience. In this way you understand exactly how we work.
When using our services, you leave your personal details with us. By using our services, you as the participant gives permission to iMA Contact to use personal information or data for the following purposes:
The following data are stored by us for handling the applications (application or other information through the contact forms on the website):
As long as a participant remains registered with iMA Contact and his services, his personal information or data are retained.
For applications by the website, we remember which vacancies you have responded to. We do this to ensure that you do not have to tell your story twice. Even if you are not our colleague, we will remember this information, because maybe you will become our colleague in the future. Your personal information or data will therefore be stored for a maximum of 1 year after the end of your application period.
When you leave a comment, that reaction and the metadata of that reaction are kept forever. In this way we can automatically recognize and approve follow-up reactions instead of moderating them.
For users who registered on our website (if applicable), we also store personal information in their user profile. All users can view, change or delete their personal information at any time (the username can not be changed). Website administrators can also view and change this information.
The storage periods for cookies are listed under headline "cookies".
Social media buttons are included on our website. When these buttons are pressed, data is passed on to these social media services (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn). The administrators of these services then collect your personal information or data. We have no influence on these services, so we recommend that you attentively read the privacy statement of the social media services mentioned.
We make use of cookies on this website. A cookie is a simple small file that is sent along with pages from this website and stored by your browser on your hard drive of your computer. According to the law, we may immediately store cookies on your computer if they are strictly necessary for the use of the site. For all other types of cookies, we need permission from you.
Tracking CookiesWith your permission our advertisers place "tracking cookies" on your computer. They use these cookies to keep track of which pages you visit in order to build up a profile of your online behavior. This profile is also built on the basis of comparable information that they receive from your visit to other websites on which they advertise. This profile is not linked to your name, address, e-mail address (as far as known by us), but only to match advertisements to your profile so that it is as relevant as possible for you.
NecessaryNecessary cookies help to make a website usable by enabling basic functions such as page navigation and access to secure parts of the website. The website cannot function properly without these cookies.
Name | Placed by | Expiration date | Purpose | Type |
PHPSESSID | | Session | Necessary session to identify the visitor. Maintain user session status for all page requests | HTTP |
Preferred cookies enable a website to remember information that changes the way the website behaves or changes, such as the language of your preference or the region in which you are located.
No cookies at this thime
StatisticsStatistics cookies help website owners understand how visitors interact with their websites by anonymously collecting and reporting data.
Name | Placed by | Expiration date | Purpose | Type |
__utmb | Google Analytics | 30 minuts | Used to determine new sessions/visits. Used by Google Analytics to calculate the duration of a website visit | HTTP |
__utmt | Google Analytics | 10 minuts | Used to throttle request rate | HTTP |
__utmc | Google Analytics | Session | Determines whether the user was in a new session/visit | HTTP |
__utma | Google Analytics | 2 years | Used to distinguish users and sessions | HTTP |
__utmz | Google Analytics | 6 months | Stores the traffic source or campaign that explains how the user reached the website | HTTP |
Marketing cookies are used to keep visitors on different websites. It is intended to display ads that are relevant and attractive to the individual user and therefore more valuable to publishers and external advertisers.
No cookies at this time
Non-classified CookiesNon-classified cookies are cookies that we are still classifying together with the providers of individual cookies.
No cookies at this time
With this privacy and cookie policy we try to offer clarity and transparency. Under the General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR (Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming, AVG), you as a participant have certain rights towards iMA Contact as controller. If you wish to view, change or delete your data, please contact us. Send an email to or call 085 007 1001.
Contact us when you want to view, change your data. If you wish, you can request to delete all your data from our system. You will then be automatically logged out of our services.
As a participant you have the following rights:
Right of inspectionYou have the right to inspect whether and, if so, what personal information or data we will lose from you.
Right to changeIf your personal information or data that we hold about you is incorrect or incomplete, you may ask us to correct or supplement your personal information or data.
Right to delete information or dataYou have the right to delete your personal information or data when;
You have the right to request a restriction for the processing of your personal data
Right to information or data portability (transfer of data)You have the right to receive your personal data that you have provided to us in a structured format (xl (s) / csv) and to pass on your personal data to a third party of your choice.
You have the right to object to the processing of your personal information or data due to a specific situation. In that case, a weighing of interests will take place taking into account your situation. You always have the right to submit a complaint to iMA Contact or to the Dutch regulator (de Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens).
This privacy and cookie statement is tailored to the use of and the possibilities on this site. Any change and / or changes to this website may lead to changes in this privacy and cookie statement. It is therefore advisable to regularly consult this privacy and cookie statement. Most recent version of the privacy and cookie statement of will be published on this page.
We regularly check whether we comply with the current privacy and cookie policy. If you have questions or feedback about the privacy and cookie statement, you can contact us:
Team iMA Contact
Version 2.2
This privacy and cookie statements was last modified on 06-05-2020.
AVG/GDPR ready 2020
Personal data is processed through the services of Personal data are carefully and secured processed by iMA Contact.
iMA Contact is responsible for the data processing. Data provided by the user is sent over a secure connection.
We are aware that you have the confidence in us. Therefore, we see it as our responsibility to protect your privacy. On this page we describe what information we collect when you use our website, why we collect this information and how we improve your user experience. In this way you understand exactly how we work.
When using our services, you leave your personal details with us. By using our services, you as the participant gives permission to iMA Contact to use personal information or data for the following purposes:
The following data are stored by us for handling the applications (application or other information through the contact forms on the website):
As long as a participant remains registered with iMA Contact and his services, his personal information or data are retained.
For applications by the website, we remember which vacancies you have responded to. We do this to ensure that you do not have to tell your story twice. Even if you are not our colleague, we will remember this information, because maybe you will become our colleague in the future. Your personal information or data will therefore be stored for a maximum of 1 year after the end of your application period.
When you leave a comment, that reaction and the metadata of that reaction are kept forever. In this way we can automatically recognize and approve follow-up reactions instead of moderating them.
For users who registered on our website (if applicable), we also store personal information in their user profile. All users can view, change or delete their personal information at any time (the username can not be changed). Website administrators can also view and change this information.
The storage periods for cookies are listed under headline "cookies".
Social media buttons are included on our website. When these buttons are pressed, data is passed on to these social media services (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn). The administrators of these services then collect your personal information or data. We have no influence on these services, so we recommend that you attentively read the privacy statement of the social media services mentioned.
We make use of cookies on this website. A cookie is a simple small file that is sent along with pages from this website and stored by your browser on your hard drive of your computer. According to the law, we may immediately store cookies on your computer if they are strictly necessary for the use of the site. For all other types of cookies, we need permission from you.
Tracking CookiesWith your permission our advertisers place "tracking cookies" on your computer. They use these cookies to keep track of which pages you visit in order to build up a profile of your online behavior. This profile is also built on the basis of comparable information that they receive from your visit to other websites on which they advertise. This profile is not linked to your name, address, e-mail address (as far as known by us), but only to match advertisements to your profile so that it is as relevant as possible for you.
NecessaryNecessary cookies help to make a website usable by enabling basic functions such as page navigation and access to secure parts of the website. The website cannot function properly without these cookies.
Name | Placed by | Expiration date | Purpose | Type |
PHPSESSID | | Session | Necessary session to identify the visitor. Maintain user session status for all page requests | HTTP |
Preferred cookies enable a website to remember information that changes the way the website behaves or changes, such as the language of your preference or the region in which you are located.
No cookies at this thime
StatisticsStatistics cookies help website owners understand how visitors interact with their websites by anonymously collecting and reporting data.
Name | Placed by | Expiration date | Purpose | Type |
__utmb | Google Analytics | 30 minuts | Used to determine new sessions/visits. Used by Google Analytics to calculate the duration of a website visit | HTTP |
__utmt | Google Analytics | 10 minuts | Used to throttle request rate | HTTP |
__utmc | Google Analytics | Session | Determines whether the user was in a new session/visit | HTTP |
__utma | Google Analytics | 2 years | Used to distinguish users and sessions | HTTP |
__utmz | Google Analytics | 6 months | Stores the traffic source or campaign that explains how the user reached the website | HTTP |
Marketing cookies are used to keep visitors on different websites. It is intended to display ads that are relevant and attractive to the individual user and therefore more valuable to publishers and external advertisers.
No cookies at this time
Non-classified CookiesNon-classified cookies are cookies that we are still classifying together with the providers of individual cookies.
No cookies at this time
With this privacy and cookie policy we try to offer clarity and transparency. Under the General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR (Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming, AVG), you as a participant have certain rights towards iMA Contact as controller. If you wish to view, change or delete your data, please contact us. Send an email to or call 085 007 1001.
Contact us when you want to view, change your data. If you wish, you can request to delete all your data from our system. You will then be automatically logged out of our services.
As a participant you have the following rights:
Right of inspectionYou have the right to inspect whether and, if so, what personal information or data we will lose from you.
Right to changeIf your personal information or data that we hold about you is incorrect or incomplete, you may ask us to correct or supplement your personal information or data.
Right to delete information or dataYou have the right to delete your personal information or data when;
You have the right to request a restriction for the processing of your personal data
Right to information or data portability (transfer of data)You have the right to receive your personal data that you have provided to us in a structured format (xl (s) / csv) and to pass on your personal data to a third party of your choice.
You have the right to object to the processing of your personal information or data due to a specific situation. In that case, a weighing of interests will take place taking into account your situation. You always have the right to submit a complaint to iMA Contact or to the Dutch regulator (de Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens).
This privacy and cookie statement is tailored to the use of and the possibilities on this site. Any change and / or changes to this website may lead to changes in this privacy and cookie statement. It is therefore advisable to regularly consult this privacy and cookie statement. Most recent version of the privacy and cookie statement of will be published on this page.
We regularly check whether we comply with the current privacy and cookie policy. If you have questions or feedback about the privacy and cookie statement, you can contact us:
Team iMA Contact
Version 2.2
Son güncelleme: 22-01-2021.
GDPR (Genel Veri Koruma Yönetmeliği) 2021
Personal data is processed through the services of Personal data are carefully and secured processed by iMA Contact.
iMA Contact is responsible for the data processing. Data provided by the user is sent over a secure connection.
We are aware that you have the confidence in us. Therefore, we see it as our responsibility to protect your privacy. On this page we describe what information we collect when you use our website, why we collect this information and how we improve your user experience. In this way you understand exactly how we work.
When using our services, you leave your personal details with us. By using our services, you as the participant gives permission to iMA Contact to use personal information or data for the following purposes:
The following data are stored by us for handling the applications (application or other information through the contact forms on the website):
As long as a participant remains registered with iMA Contact and his services, his personal information or data are retained.
For applications by the website, we remember which vacancies you have responded to. We do this to ensure that you do not have to tell your story twice. Even if you are not our colleague, we will remember this information, because maybe you will become our colleague in the future. Your personal information or data will therefore be stored for a maximum of 1 year after the end of your application period.
When you leave a comment, that reaction and the metadata of that reaction are kept forever. In this way we can automatically recognize and approve follow-up reactions instead of moderating them.
For users who registered on our website (if applicable), we also store personal information in their user profile. All users can view, change or delete their personal information at any time (the username can not be changed). Website administrators can also view and change this information.
The storage periods for cookies are listed under headline "cookies".
Social media buttons are included on our website. When these buttons are pressed, data is passed on to these social media services (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn). The administrators of these services then collect your personal information or data. We have no influence on these services, so we recommend that you attentively read the privacy statement of the social media services mentioned.
We make use of cookies on this website. A cookie is a simple small file that is sent along with pages from this website and stored by your browser on your hard drive of your computer. According to the law, we may immediately store cookies on your computer if they are strictly necessary for the use of the site. For all other types of cookies, we need permission from you.
Tracking CookiesWith your permission our advertisers place "tracking cookies" on your computer. They use these cookies to keep track of which pages you visit in order to build up a profile of your online behavior. This profile is also built on the basis of comparable information that they receive from your visit to other websites on which they advertise. This profile is not linked to your name, address, e-mail address (as far as known by us), but only to match advertisements to your profile so that it is as relevant as possible for you.
NecessaryNecessary cookies help to make a website usable by enabling basic functions such as page navigation and access to secure parts of the website. The website cannot function properly without these cookies.
Name | Placed by | Expiration date | Purpose | Type |
PHPSESSID | | Session | Necessary session to identify the visitor. Maintain user session status for all page requests | HTTP |
Preferred cookies enable a website to remember information that changes the way the website behaves or changes, such as the language of your preference or the region in which you are located.
No cookies at this thime
StatisticsStatistics cookies help website owners understand how visitors interact with their websites by anonymously collecting and reporting data.
Name | Placed by | Expiration date | Purpose | Type |
__utmb | Google Analytics | 30 minuts | Used to determine new sessions/visits. Used by Google Analytics to calculate the duration of a website visit | HTTP |
__utmt | Google Analytics | 10 minuts | Used to throttle request rate | HTTP |
__utmc | Google Analytics | Session | Determines whether the user was in a new session/visit | HTTP |
__utma | Google Analytics | 2 years | Used to distinguish users and sessions | HTTP |
__utmz | Google Analytics | 6 months | Stores the traffic source or campaign that explains how the user reached the website | HTTP |
Marketing cookies are used to keep visitors on different websites. It is intended to display ads that are relevant and attractive to the individual user and therefore more valuable to publishers and external advertisers.
No cookies at this time
Non-classified CookiesNon-classified cookies are cookies that we are still classifying together with the providers of individual cookies.
No cookies at this time
With this privacy and cookie policy we try to offer clarity and transparency. Under the General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR (Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming, AVG), you as a participant have certain rights towards iMA Contact as controller. If you wish to view, change or delete your data, please contact us. Send an email to or call 085 007 1001.
Contact us when you want to view, change your data. If you wish, you can request to delete all your data from our system. You will then be automatically logged out of our services.
As a participant you have the following rights:
Right of inspectionYou have the right to inspect whether and, if so, what personal information or data we will lose from you.
Right to changeIf your personal information or data that we hold about you is incorrect or incomplete, you may ask us to correct or supplement your personal information or data.
Right to delete information or dataYou have the right to delete your personal information or data when;
You have the right to request a restriction for the processing of your personal data
Right to information or data portability (transfer of data)You have the right to receive your personal data that you have provided to us in a structured format (xl (s) / csv) and to pass on your personal data to a third party of your choice.
You have the right to object to the processing of your personal information or data due to a specific situation. In that case, a weighing of interests will take place taking into account your situation. You always have the right to submit a complaint to iMA Contact or to the Dutch regulator (de Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens).
This privacy and cookie statement is tailored to the use of and the possibilities on this site. Any change and / or changes to this website may lead to changes in this privacy and cookie statement. It is therefore advisable to regularly consult this privacy and cookie statement. Most recent version of the privacy and cookie statement of will be published on this page.
We regularly check whether we comply with the current privacy and cookie policy. If you have questions or feedback about the privacy and cookie statement, you can contact us:
Team iMA Contact